Monday, March 30, 2015

Get Mobile Friendly Now or Suffer Google’s Ranking Wrath

Google announced last month that an upcoming addition to their ranking algorithm will take into consideration whether your website is mobile friendly or not. Websites that are not mobile friendly will be penalized and that means that sites that are not mobile friendly will likely take a hit in Google’s search rankings. Google’s reasoning behind this addition of mobile-friendly design as a ranking signal is because “when it comes to search on mobile devices, users should get the most relevant and timely results, no matter if the information lives on mobile-friendly web pages or apps. Mobile usage is growing and that is why mobile-friendly website design is so important. Even if Google wasn’t taking this design element into a ranking factor, your site is likely to experience a higher bounce rate because of the large amount of smaller mobile devices that are being used at greater frequency.
If you are registered webmaster tools users, then you should have already received an alert letting you know if your website is not mobile friendly. The email alerts let you know what to fix regarding the mobile usability issues they have picked up; it includes mobile-friendly design tips and how to fix the mobile usability issues. If you haven’t received an email and you aren’t sure if your website is mobile –friendly, you can check for yourself with this tool Google created for the purpose of checking for mobile usability issues. You have until April 21, 2015 to get your site’s mobile usability in order. Act fast!
Mobile Usage
The statistics and reports have all shown that mobile usage overtook desktop usage on many levels in 2014. Essentially what that means is that if your site isn’t mobile friendly, it’s too late and you are losing sales, conversions, and visitors who can’t navigate your site on their smartphones

Monday, March 23, 2015

Plan Ahead - June is National Safety Month

This is a great opportunity for internal and external promotions highlighting safety in June. For your employees, a safety campaign can focus on reducing lost man hours by adopting safety measures in the workplace regardless if it's on a shop floor or in the office. A tiered incentive program should provide logoed products for attaining goals. Promotions can also stress safety while on the road, whether it's for business or pleasure. Consider branded car safety kits as a gift. Such a campaign lets clients know you are concerned about their well-being. And for new homeowners or new parents, a promotion that highlights safety measures at home can be beneficial, especially if you market your products and services to this market. Your distributor partner can help you develop these campaigns and help you find appropriate products for each.